News : 7. Filly by Jameson/Dr. Jackson is born
2022/7/2 15:28:37 (12608 reads)
Dreams come true
After 4 colts we have a amazing filly by Jameson (Zack/Don Schufro) out of premium mare "DOLCE VITA VI" (by Dr. Jackson/Jazzman)
"DOLCE VITA VI" is out of Walhdexe dam line and is full sister to winner qualification horse championship by the 6 years old dressage horses (now PSG and Inter I more times high placed), to other premium mares and stallion candidates...
Her dam state premium/elitemare "JAQUELINE" is sister to 2 international Grand Prix horses : "QUADRIGA´S DON CISMO" and "DIAMANTINA". Also to elitemare "DIAMANTICA" and state premium mare "DIAMANTISSIMA".....
Grand dam elitemare "COSMOPOLITAN" was Champion mare in Oldenburg and in the finale German horse championship...
Love this filly and I think, if I look for his modern typ, beautiful head and her top pedigree , we have a new broodmare here in some years