News : Black filly by James RS2/Dr. Jackson is born
2021/6/2 18:51:09 (25878 reads)
And the next black beauty is born this year
It is a black filly by James RS2 out of state premium mare DOLCE VITA I (by Dr. Jackson/Jazzman).
Filly is out of the Waldexe dam line and Dolce Vita is full sister to QUADRIGA´S DR. which is so successful in the S dressage level
Grand dam (St.-Pr./elitemare Jaqueline) is sister to the both international Grand Prix horses Diamantina and Quadriga´s Don Cismo.
The filly has 4 times state premium and elitemares in her pedigree.
So happy over this lovely filly and very grateful that all has worked so well