Competition show in Horka

Date 2016/5/14 13:41:16 | Topic: News



Big horse competition show in Horka this week end 


First test on this day was a 3rd level show. And it started very well. 
Maja Weber can win with the mare "Royal Politan" (by Ron Rubin/Campari) by appr. 30 starter the 3rd level test „heart“-Emoticon



Wow „heart“-Emoticon 

Also the next competition start was successful

State premium mare "DONNA DREAM" (by Don Cismo/Don Primero) win the first level for young horses .

Donna Dream has had 4 starts in 2016 in the first and second level . She was 3 times winner and one time on the second place. All times scored with notes over 8 !! 


So happy for "DONNA DREAM" and the rider Maja Weber 




And the last show on this day was the highlight

Stefan Puschmann was riding "DR.Q" by (Dr. Jackson/Jazzman) the first time in the PSG level and they were high placed and very good scored on the 4th place  


So proud 







This article comes from Quadriga Dressurpferde

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