Oldenburger mare test 2016

Date 2016/5/24 16:22:13 | Topic: News



Very beautiful mare performance test and best horses

With a wonderful result we have now a state premium and a premium mare more .
The high quality mover  DREMA RUBINA (by Don Cismo/Dr. Jackson/Fürst Heinrich), which has also won her first competition show with  8,3 become the titel state premium mare. (which is now named in Oldenburger "Hauptpämienstute") . DREAM RUBINA produced already a stunning premium filly last year.,
We are very proud because the mare has only state premium/elitemares in her pedigree and now the mare herself has also this titel :)
Elektia Stamm (starshire Rohdiamant) is the best     
Hauptprämienstute "DREAM RUBINA"
A very good job makes also "DONNA CASHI" (by Don Cismo/Cashman). She is out of a multitalented dam line and her dam was winner mare in dressage and jumping. Same quality shows DONNA CASHI on her mare test with stunning movements and good jumping. So she becomes the titel premium mare.
For interested people click here and you can see here some parts from her test "DONNA CASHI" 
Premium mare DONNA CASHI


This article comes from Quadriga Dressurpferde

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