Stallhelfer(in)/Pferdewirt(in) für Pferdegestüt in 01471 Sachsen gesucht
Wer ist teamfähig, hat Erfahrung mit der Erziehung/Umgang von Fohlen und Jungpferden und hat Lust normale Stallarbeit zu machen ?

Happy new year
We have used the nice weather the last days and make a foto shooting with the foals from 2021

This week end QUADRIGA´S Dr. SUMMER and QUADRIGA´S SEZU were both successful in S dressage
For QUADRIGA´S DR.SUMMER (gelding 2012 by Dr. Jackson/Sandro HIt) was it the first show on this level and we are very happy that he was already high placed.
QUADRIGA´S SEZU (gelding 2013 by Sezuan/Rubinstein) was on place behind his stable friend. Also a super result because he has first for 4 weeks changed the rider.
So I can only say thank you to Stella Charlotte Roth which has riden both boys realy amazing
Today we have made new pictures from our colts 2021. Not very good but we want to show you the new pictures
1. Dark brown colt by De Niro Gold/Ron Rubin/Diamond Hit/Rohdiamant out of Romme.
This combination we have done the 4rd time because we think it is realy perfekt
2. Brown colt by Jameson RS2/Jazzman/Stedinger out of our S dressage successful premium mare Jazz Lady.. It is her first foal and we are happy that it has worked so well by the first try.