News : DIAMANTINA II is born
2015/6/2 14:28:17 (88764 reads)

After long 9 month waiting, born this night at 2 o´cklock 
Bay filly by Diamond Hit out of  Elitemare  Cosmopolitan.
Filly is the full sister to our licensed breeding stallion DON CISMO, to the Grand Prix mare "DIAMANTINA" (Maree Tomkinson) and to the state premium/elitemares DIAMANTICA and DIAMANTISSIMA. 
We are very, very pleased to have a foal ,especialy that it is a filly, because the mare COSMOPLITAN has born us so much stunning offsprings, that we have decided to stop here with breeding and she can go and enjoy her live the last years. 

Welcome little new filly   





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