News : 3 Victories in Horka !
2014/6/10 13:40:36 (53213 reads)



 Horse Show in Horka:

Again this year, our riders and horses were very successful at the renowned Pentecost Horse Show in Horka!

At the start of the tournament, Maja Weber achieved with Quadriga’s DREAM OF JACKSON (by DR. JACKSON) second place in the A-Test for Dressage Horses.

She was only surpassed by the Southern Germany Champion “Rossinimo.”



In the L-Test for Dressage Horses, no one was better than Stefan Puschmann with Quadriga’s DR. Q. The pair took first place! The 6-year old stallion by DR. JACKSON/JAZZMAN continues to show his excellent development over the years.






In the M-Test for Dressage Horses on the last day, the pair was again successful and awarded second place with movement scores above 8.

We think a victory was unfortunately missed on this day by pesky horse flies, which were present in abundance. The stallion absolutely HATES them!





The victories in the M Dressage Test (M 6) and a M** (M 9) went with over 70%, respectively, again to Stefan Puschmann with Quadriga’s SAN PRIMERO.


The 6-year old darkbay stallion by SAN AMOUR/ DONNERHALL/ PIK BUBE is a “complete dressage horse” and had already qualified for the Federal Championship in the previous year.


Another great success story were Maja and Quadriga’s RON RUBIN, who achieved in the M-Dressage Test (also an M 9) third place with a score of 68.5 %.


All in all, a very nice horse show, despite tropical temperatures of 90 F (32 C) and a warm-up ring that unfortunately resembled a giant beach volleyball field.


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